Monday 27 January 2014

Benefits Of Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can help children and adults who find it difficult to participate in various activities because of emotional, cognitive, developmental, or physical difficulties. It can help a child become productive, play naturally, and learn to be more creative, independent, and lead satisfying lives as they grow older.

In general, occupational therapy can help children or adults with the following medical problems:

  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Fine motor delays (including handwriting difficulty, also known as dysgraphia)
  • Birth defects or injuries
  • Traumatic injuries (i.e. spinal cord or brain)
  • Pervasive developmental disorders or autism
  • Learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD)
  • Orthopedic injuries or broken bones
  • Behavioral or mental health problems
  • Post-surgical conditions
  • Developmental delays
  • Spina bifida
  • Burns
  • Cancer
  • Chronic illnesses like cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis
  • After-surgery conditions
  • Severe hand injuries

At WriteSteps Pediatric Occupational therapy, your child can develop strategies to cope with or overcome problems related with their motor skills and sensory processing. At WriteSteps your child can be helped to improve in many areas including:

  • Improving motor skills so the child write better and hold and release toys
  • Improving hand-eye coordination for better play skills
  • Help the child learn and perform basic tasks on their own like brushing the teeth, bathing, feeding themselves, shoe tying, and getting dressed
  • Develop sensory processing strategies to help with paying attention during various activities, such as sitting in the classroom and remaining focused
  • Determine if the child needs specialized equipment to help improve their overall functioning

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